
Want this

Pengen meja ini..



Temen gw ngabarin, kalo temennya kena penyakit beresiko mati ini. Padahal, temennya itu perempuan yg sgt baik dalam pergaulan, sehat, ga ngerokok, dan ga berbebas ria.
Ternyata setelah menikah, setahun kemudian, ia mengidap penyakit ini. Lethal to women.
Kata dokter, penyebabnya, kalo dah begini, adalah dari suaminya. Yang bebas masa lalunya, bawa penyakit, yg ga ngaruh buat dia, tapi iya buat istrinya.
Lethal weapon.
Lalu, diadakanlah vaksin kanker cerviks ini.
Prosesnya lama, setaunan. Disuntik 3 kali dalam setaun itu.
Kalo untuk Aku, gatau deh.. pasrah aja?
Time is clicking..

Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Uteri :
1. Kalau tdr tdk ush pakai CD.
2. Shbs pipis keringkan dgn tissue.
3. Ganti CD minimal 2x sehari.
4. Ganti pembalut minimal 2x sehari.
5. Hindari mkn makanan/buah yg meningkatkan produksi lendir : nanas, kol, timun, dsb.
6. Jangan memegang vagina dengan kuku kotor.
7. Jangan biarkan CD basah.
8. Jangan melakukan sex bebas.
9. Kalau bisa lakukan pemeriksaan USG/ screening Uterus secara rutin.

Sebarkan ke semua orang yang kamu kenal. Selamatkan PEREMPUAN



taken from

a child prodigy?
should a child prodigy have got this brain that thinks like adult/ seeing beauty in the eyes of the elder?

it is wonderful indeed.
but it's not honest.
the child brave honesty that is being the value of childhood..

please, my age now is the age where i can have 5 boys like him..
but i still do believe in the bold and daring truth passionate spirit that is named childhood spirit..

the grd


isinya: sapa yg bikin lambang garuda.
ganteng beneuurr.. gaswatt
a man that ganteng.. we cant trust them women..
but maybe the state can.

kayanya sih, lambang begituan pasti terinspirasi lambang2 di eropa juga, yang ngebuat binatang jadi satu tampak grafikan warna emas, dan perisai terbagi berapa simbol berwarna alam: merah hijau, emas putih.
ya globalisasi, pencampuran budaya..sudah ada dari dulu.
emang, burung dan benda2nya lokal. gaya, style, bungkus interlokal.

6mil dol pound eur

I'm dreaming of 6million dollar. Or euro. Or pounds.
What for?
Put 60mil is much better.
Ro study,art,gallery, dreams..

Yea, it's impossible money for a non business anything like me.
But then.. It is a dream indeed.
It's nonsense, a friend says.
I laugh.

To dream is to set a goal.
To dream is to measure how much you value yourself.
Yes, your value is for you yourself to create.

Then, creativity is a way to bring the dream comes alive..
That's how your value can be seen.
The attitude, brain, and result.

Yes, I said my dream is 6-60million dollar pound euro..

Impossible money?

Possible money?

Why definitely?
As I assumed, dream is how you value yourself..
60million $£ is my dream. To gain all the dreams I want to achieve. All. Art study shoes academic etc.. And some other Great dreams..
Therefore, 60mil$£ is my value.
I am worth 60mil$£..

To gain the dream, I have to make sure I worth the dream..

So, don't waste it.
Don't waste your dreaming oportunity..



Nggak.. Godaaann

Kalo lagi pusing, cuma satu yg bisa bikin hati seneng. Shoes..
Problem w/ guys,work,mom,god,fat,money..
Only by seeing shoes..
The colors, the shape..
It's art.
Since I no longer would see painting, because, I paint myself. And I want to see new york galeries for painting, not more indonesian, because indonesian paintings are so damn beautiful..I'm envy..
So here we are..

Yang 50persen, itu cuma 300ribuan. Harga normal sekarang. Tinggi.. Dan aga sakit.
Trus yg sendal fucshia, turquoise,item dan yang gede itu.. Buatan schutz, 200usd alias 2jutaan..
Nah, ada balenciaga lego shoes. Itu sepatu eksentrik, harganya? 4175 usdolar.. Alias, 41jutaan lewat..

Dulu gw gasuka sepatu mahal.diatas 300rb. Sekarang? Because I can.. And I love passionate art..
And the believe, we can do dream and make more..
Rite dude?


To name a few..

The sin I love..
Better than any kisses..
Any chocolate that fats..
Stress reliever..


benda tersayang

red shoes nine west.luminence something. lobbb it

fucshia sofa, aku pesen di kelapa gading, gara2 sedih liat sofa di index mahal banget. dan cuma iseng, ternyata dapet beginian. 1,8jt. kalo mau tau, tokonya deket index di MAG kok. jalan2 dikit tar liat sofa2 yang dipajang banyak dan dibawah 2jt. mayan bener.

my lobly BLUE ZARA HEELS.. pastinya gw dapet diskon.. yea, im cheap. ga diskon ga beli, kalo branded. abis pasti deh sale mah..

kalo ini, lenove netbook. pinkyyy lucu beneerrr


Girls, whatever happen, don't stop just be a fulltime housewife. It is great for 12 first year, after?
Woman needs a life of her own,
Or not, when it's late, she'll end up lonely.angry.sad.
All moms.
Work yourself, girl
Ngebedah tulisan orang, novel, sastra, fiksi, mungkin emang oke aja. Its good to know what's in someone thoughts, the depth, the idea.
Tapi the idea of seeing, knowing what you write being discussed by someone else, as if it was the great lesson should be thaught..
Rasanya janggal.
Karena tulisan fiksi adalah imajinasi liar yg seringkali berisi pertanyaan.
Rasa gelisah penulis.
Apa cocok dijadikan mata kuliah

Arse msg

He called me again. My ex.
The more he called, the more realized I am.
He was meant to be out of my equator, was a generous act of invisible hands of the lord.
I'm saved. For now.
I realize, I can see it clearer,
My ex was, is, will be, an arse.
He might be a great smart wise guy in his business world. But as a man, he fails.
And yet, he still thought I'm his ho.. Unpaid ho..



' Oh perutnya badut kan sama kaya perut oki..'
ada avatar kw 3 dibuat orang indo buat tpi.

Cuma berapa minggu aja pake tv kabel yg isinya film, film, serial, u think u can dance, kartun, jimjam.. Ternyata aku betah ga liat tivi lokal.
Begitu kabel ilang, ngeliat tivi lokal lagi, terasa asam sekali.kecut, dan sungguh rasanya seperti liat tayangan menggarok borok basi yg masih basah.
Dan baru bisa nemu kata:
Tv lokal itu sekarang dirajai aksi interaktif, kuis, pagelaranlomba musik,sinetron jelas, dan semakin tergila2 dgn reality show.
Dan semua entah kenapa, terasa murah. Murahan. Kalo kelas2an. Semua tayangan kelas C. Bahkan berita2 seriusnya pun.
Oh ternyata.. Dari sedikit kata diatas, ketika ada badut gendut seorang celetuk: oh, kayak oki..
Filosofi tayangan tv media kita, secara sosiologis, sudah terbentuk sbg sosok mengejek, yaitu tanda insecure akan kualitas diri, sehingga mengecilkan kualitas orang lain.dan menjadikannya jualan. Pastilah it sells. Shallow sells. Like sex sales.
Prinsip minder akan kualitas diri sehingga mentololkan orang lain, mewabah ke agenda2 lain.

Trus, mu gimana sekarang?
Kayanya sih, banyak puter film layar lebar ya.. Yg top2nya. Nggak yg klas e gitu.

Dan ow, ttg avatar grade kw 3 di tv itu, no probs sih. Diluar segi etika. Abis dah jelas juga buat kelas apa segmennya. Dan untuk kasihtau masy itu ada loh kisah begini..
Dan get money from it. Ga salah, kelasnya emg bgt. Kec dia jual di tempat yg first class, jelaslah lgs dihujat.
Dah ah.
Liat dono kasino indro dulu



Gw sejujurnya ngerti dan yakin kalo space law ato apapun bidang hukum kebijakan dsb, bukan bidang gw yg sesuai otak gw.
Dan gw tau, dr dulu, dr sekolah, kebudayaan selalu menarik buat gw. Antropologi. Dgn gampang gw ngerasa klik.
Trus sekarang, kalo mau lanjutin kemana? Tetep space llm sih..
Tapi itu pride. Bukan cinta.
Barusan liat di youtube ttg law master degree class di leidn. Dan ow..
Begitu stiff, kaku.. Dan.. Oh no.. Gw lgs migren.
Pilihan space gw cm dua. Leiden ato mcgill di kanada. Kayanya, leidn lebih space law. Mcgl lebih air law. Gw lbh pgn space law nya sih. Tp ternyata bahkan isi space law pun ga se dreamy yg gw kira.. Masih soal kebijakan dan sgt kebijakan sekali.. Gw jadi neg.. Menghindari tata negara yg buljit, malah ke hukum kebijakan super buljit.
Padahal kenapa gw pgn spce lw krn gw rasa ini penuh dgn pertimbangan humanitarian, masih banyak crita soal manusianya yg bermimpi akan masa depan. Ah, gw buljit abis.
Dan emg, itu adalah antrop juga.
Iya, kalo gw singkirkan pride spclw, gw mau ngelanjutin belajar antropologi, di georgetown uni gitu. Hahaha.. Itu lebih mimpi lagi ya? Kalo gw bisa jual lukisan ato cerita anak sampe 50rb dolar aja. Sukur2 100rb dolar. Gw lgs melesat ke washtndc. Aw aww mimpii aja


My best liked food

Ini nih, tahu gejrot pedes banget bawang putih aja ala menteng..

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
Kreativitas, kepintaran, kecerdasan akan berhenti ketika kita berkata: aku sudah bisa. Aku sudah ngerti.aku sudah pintar.

The time you stop being smart is when you say you are smart.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Abis ngelukis

Seperti semua kegiatan menyenangkan dan passionate lain, persiapan sudah melelahkan. Tapi ia cuma 10 persen dari seluruh kegiatan. Pada saat kegiatan, emang ampir 70 persen yg dikerahkan. 30persen sisanya, adalah proses pembersihan.
Kadang kalo males proses pembersihan bisa males ama proses2 sebelumnya. Akirnya prosuk pun gajadi.
Kaya ngelukis nih, melukis selalu menyenangkan. Tapi setelahnya itulooh
Di tempat sekecil rumahku ini, belepotan cat minyak tebal, bukan pilihan yg menyenangkan. Apalagi ngebersihin kwasnya yg alaihim gambreng..
Jangan sampe kwas lama ga dibersihin. Amit2 dewh.. Keras benerr
Tu kwas2 kotor dimasukin ke plastik item yg isinya minyak utk cat dan cairan pembersih kwas. Direndem ujung kwasnya aja. 15menitan, dilap satu2.. Di oser ke tangan, ulang lagi, sampe lembut, dan basuh di air mengalir pake sabun batangan ato sunlite.
Dan kalo dah puas, baru selesei.
Lalu, ahh ati2 kalo lukisannya masih basah dan jatuh ke lantai. Olalaaa
Tunggu seminggu lagi baru boleh nempel di lantai.

Ahh aku masih suka sih ngelukis..
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Purple for anna

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone


okay, i have several red shoes.
all girls at least once, dream of red shoes.
apparently, after my first red shoes come to real, i had another dream.
and it's already 4 of them at my current place today. red heels. about 5 or something back at mom's house.
but still, the dream of another red heels different models coming.

as cigarette that not everybody is fashionably okay to wear one,
also the red shoes.
red is of course tempting, but can not wear anytime, to anyone, to any dresses.
unlike black, that fits everyone. as grieve as also elegance.
with red, that speak only one thing, but very bold and loud: BRAVE! or sometime: PASSION or: LUST, we have to make sure the dress we wear is very simple. simple and loud. red.
for that simple reason, red color could not wear anytime.
which is why red shoes are always the shoes that we rarely wear, but so desired to wear everyday..

with the wrong outfit, you will only bring the trashy judgement to the shoes or more, to yourself.
yeah, like a cigar to a wrongly outfit girl.

bad bad bad looks disaster..

yeah, black saves the day, as always..

from mail

i'm sending this blog from my yahoomail. let's see what will do.
if it's okay, i'll revive my bb.

My Candle burns at both ends
the light will not last the night
but ah my foes and oh my friends
it gives a lovely light

inside growing any being, there are cells. growing. evolve, bigger and separating.then, depart.
one single organism wouldn't grow into perfect formed being if the cells inside are not evolving and separating. divided.

is that also us, human being, in our social live. today?
we are growing fast with our values, and also growing norms.
we accept much new matters but also close some doors to less old doors.

the unification phase is not a phase that we need to wait long. it is easy to glued on other human being.
then, after all the good nutirion you share each other,
its just enough.
gone to next phase: separation.
it is important phase, if not, the nutrition you have shared each other, gone rotten.
after separation,
we are looking for another nutrition. stories, wits, liquid, adventure, problems..
and repeat the cycle all over.
until we fed up again.
are we all human being today, so fully nutritive until we fed up easily?
may be.

but hence, it's the city people stories only.
may be.
a friend of mine, she studied public health. and now, she's a fulltime writer, also works for tv, doing the journalism stuff.
she didnt regret of leaving the college education. its pursuing what she loves to do, she said. writing.
she even thought of entering movie script education someday.
it's her dream.

yeah, she can do that, because she can.

i understand, and i encourage friends who also want to pursue the dream. i'd say, dream first, mate..

wish i could encourage myself so.
dream first, girl..

but no.
my first, is PRIDE.
eventho i know that im incredibly stupid in what i do,
living with pride of being a smartass is much more comforting.
the name of being called as a smart girl doing an important research upon space law, international law, is a totally number one prior.
proud. pride. sloth.

i realize it shud not be long.
i shud skip this phase. yeah its only a phase.
someday i will live for the dream. surely im not a sri mulyani type, smart cold headed gal.
yeah, my pride academic goal wud only reach the llm phase. after that, well, a book of international law wud be enuff.

im an artist.
dreams of stories and colors already hayed in my brain since unborn.
yea, shud be brave to go there...

yea, im proud, and frighten. heil frau!!


make love is not a crime. smoking cigarrettes is. why? because for some people it would not seem fashionably fits.. contrary, it will be a major fashion crime..
ruining all the total look uve dressed up before, and crashing the expensive perfumme u bought.

if you have the supermodel jaw and cheekbones, the cigarrette perhaps would suit. it will be a nice accessory to a skinny face model girl. but wn ur not, well, just look at the mirror while u smoke. is it photographable? if not, biggggg major fashion disaster typhoon crime it isss!!


there are always fights in family. all moms to daughter. all dads to sons.
they love each other. they want the best for each other.
different values, different time norms.
end up they hurt each other, saying they want the best for each other.

shall this continue?

the seed is already in us.
sure to pass it down?

im si scared..
wish i could talk to someone.
but only my blog wud accept..
o lord, do forgive..
they say love is a gift. sometimes from good angel, sometimes from satan. both from god.

a wife is being judged and sentenced to be stoned for having the love making activity with a juvenile aged 15.

the husband is now seen the saint.
the wife, the devil.
the juvenile, the satan.
both got demon possessed.
the people said.
the law decides.
demon must be condemned, by stoning law.
little children throw the stones. small and grand.

the two are only doing what the god gave. passion.lust.want.need.hugs.kiss. love..
filling the empty cup.

and they are the satan.

man, it is human agreement.
when betrayed, betray back.

ahh.. make love is a crime?
im not sure.. darn why should mom said those words.. hate it soo



is make love a crime?