nona is going out of the red wall inside, and going to take out the red wall into red walk..
now, i'm in the water where the caramel boat is leaving..
okay, this is my travel tranport budget report (they're all public transportation aka. angkot/buses)
1. any busses to Grogol. : Rp. 2.500,00
Stop at Slipi. ( Gatsu-Grogol)
2. Slipi - Serang : Rp. 15.000 - 18.000,0 (economy class) . 1,5- 2 hours (off the halt)
Down at the hypermart simpang, Serang, long after the serang bus station
3. Simpang Serang - Anyer (Beach) : Rp. 7000. 1 hour (off the halt)
Tell them you want to stop at Cibaru - Marbella or- Karangbolong. They can't go further to Carita Beach unless you pay more.
The cost also applied for the opposite way.
it's always fun to do something out of routine. as what i had with my dearly best gal-friend, fridz. nearly almost evry day we use cabs to transport to 'the fun places - out of office -relieving spots' that unfortunately always the homogenic spots: Plazas in Jakarta.. we got so bored with all the bling2 tiles, air conditioner, and cabs.. which is why we decided to do this crazy travel, using discomfort busses..
turns out the therapy really works well..
until we reached jakarta again, and going home by cabs..
2 komentar:
tapi sepertinya asik.
gw juga pengen ke ANYERRRRR.
ciyee ada yg maramara jasa travelnya ga dipake..hihi..tenan tes, tar ke pangandaran ato usakambangan pak jasa elo..
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