Kalo lagi pusing, cuma satu yg bisa bikin hati seneng. Shoes..
Problem w/ guys,work,mom,god,fat,money..
Only by seeing shoes..
The colors, the shape..
It's art.
Since I no longer would see painting, because, I paint myself. And I want to see new york galeries for painting, not more indonesian, because indonesian paintings are so damn beautiful..I'm envy..
So here we are..
Yang 50persen, itu cuma 300ribuan. Harga normal sekarang. Tinggi.. Dan aga sakit.
Trus yg sendal fucshia, turquoise,item dan yang gede itu.. Buatan schutz, 200usd alias 2jutaan..
Nah, ada balenciaga lego shoes. Itu sepatu eksentrik, harganya? 4175 usdolar.. Alias, 41jutaan lewat..
Dulu gw gasuka sepatu mahal.diatas 300rb. Sekarang? Because I can.. And I love passionate art..
And the believe, we can do dream and make more..
Rite dude?
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