
you shouldn't do that, tere..

i finally reach the beach. and i definitely bring some thoughts and stories of thoughts to share.. of course it's about liberation, as always the topic for nonagayo.
for some friends, this nothing special picture would catch easily why.

i don't know if you notice, reader, but i've never shown any picture containing me and the real life. because that is what this blog for me. as a box of thoughts, feeling, creation, imagination only, unattached from the real world like newspaper, but it shows what and how we react on real life according to our thoughts, feeling, and imagination only. as free as a bird.. i use as least as i could, other's thought, creation, and news, as minimal as i could. i tag the out sources as 'impor nonagayo' to say that they are not mine, but i like them. this is where i could feel freely to express all my thoughts, feel,
imagination without any boundaries, and purely mine.
somehow, i believe my thoughts have got many differences or other say paradoxes with all i could show people by the limited corpse i got.
my appearence, they say, is not actually in the same line as my head..
but they're all mine.. my decision to have the limited expression of appearance.. my wildly free expression that i could only speak to my self..
which is why i need this blog. where i don't need any boundaries as i always had to move a step forward..

nearly a week ago, a friend of mine, a novelist and economist, tere liye, he called his name. He showed this blog without any permission, in his blog, so a lot of people who read his books and blog, would come and visit this place. the reason is easy, tere liye thought the boy and girl picture as you see above was my creation, and he got captured, and promoted my site in his that instant.

in a way, i appreciate his move. of course, although he finally understand that the picture wasn't mine as i later implied the painter site. thank you, tere, i've got more people seeing this site because of you.
nevertheless, in other way, i'm also very mad at tereliye for the same reason. showing this blog to others, made more people seeing this site.
problem is, some of the new readers might have known me as the girl with the limited expressed appearance as they could see me in everyday's life. real life.
and it's disturbing me. disturb my freedom of thoughts, the only amusement i could have myself, in this blog. i might change this blog name.
but then, in my next thought, why sould i run? this is my place since the beginning.
the only freedom. and i'm okay showing my picture. (the getting fat picture.. duh..)

hopefully, i could show you that freedom of thoughts has got no horizontal connection with the physical appearance limitation. because people truly has their rights to chose what they decide for the corpse and appears as also what they choose to think..
some people are tormented by having those two opposite decision, but choose to live in them. good for you who live only with one rule, one decision, one thought. if you live that way, that just do it! don't fall into ambiguity from the next friend beside you, it's tempting to learn new deals, but it'd be hard, and wasting of energy. praise for you who are able to live without ambiguity. may it be forever.


no, no. its tere. not there.
tere is tere liye, a novelist name of a friend of mine. an old friend, never been closed. we met at our first college year in dormitory. he was a nice boy, a good boy, so i knew. that's all. never had any interest to know more, tho i knew not for the opposite.
we've never had long conversation other than "how r u?", ' u play violin? yeah.", 'hi, mau makan ya?'. nothing more and special.
we recently had long conversation for several months this year, due to the internet technology, just name it. YM, blog, facebook. the reasons were the novels he made, he's a writer, and i always thought i'm also a writer and will publish novels, painting, and children book. that's the linkage between nona and tere. nona and tere can have conversation. not the real two. the real two, they fight like tom and jerry!
the real tere is a very snob person, who got snob for reaching the place that was only a dream eleven years ago. a success, rich, friends of celebrities, having rich pretty girlfriends, and able to talk RUDE to those socialite people. he's so proud of that.
it's true that he's a smart person, without doubt. but he's got a snob weakness that's annoying.
as tere the novelist, nona really enjoyed (sometimes) speaking with tere, for his delicacy, listening, and not as snob as the real one.
"forever love"or "sincere love" might be the meaning of the nickname, from india. yes, tere loves indian weeping movies. the soft side where "guys" become girl best friend..
if you want to know tere's novels, just google the name, in indonesia. his novels are quite sold out, tere said. my sister agreed as she has read them. and they be friend in their site.
i should say that ive never read any of the novels. i can not read when i can not put aside my jealousy to the writer. indeed, i am jealous. i want to write much like tere and some other best friends . im sorry tere, u asked me to read the bidadari2 something, but if we chat nearly everyday, you should've just told me the essence..
btw, tere is gonna have this next backpacking tour to north africa. well, nice, mate.. may your snob helps you there...heheh... nah.. all my best pray for you.

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