sewidak loro
there was a girl, a different girl,
bold dark lips, eyes as big as the round moon,
nose as flat as the road yet huge to take all the air you threw..
she was called sewidak loro. the girl with only sixty two laces of hair nesting in her bold hair..
hideous, all the children cried..
stones and words are threwn to her..
edge her away from sight, wishing for her disappearance..
in any kind of way..
here, here, my beautiful child..
your lips as red as rose,
your hair as thick dark as coal,
your eyes shine a pair of crystal that tame all vicious mind..
her mother prays in the nights everybody sleeps..
the king seeks a bride..
he heard the rumors of the angelic poor lady who is jailed in her own house..
the king proves the rumor..
o noble king, the story is a cant, the lady is hideous...
the mother answers, o my king, if you want my beautiful child you must never see her until she is before you..
the people who had seen her in her childhood mocks the bride's curtain wagon..
but the mother keep saying you're an angel my child, dewi larasati gave you her beauty and grace..
dear mother, i believe you..
i don't know what beauty is, all i want is to see your fatigue face smiles..
if you want my bold hair to grow more black thick hair, than i hope i will..
the king stands in his own doubt. choosing whom to trust. preparing to kill or to wed..
the bride comes..
the curtain opens..
gods answering the mother's prays that is spoken in all the silent nights everybody sleeps...
di margonda, berbagi cerita dongeng dengan sahabat yang memakai baju ungu sambil menanti bis ungu...
1 komentar:
ih nggak banget. yang berbaju ungu tuh yang gue taro lukisannya tuh, emang muka lo mirip ama tu lukisan?
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